Fairtrade Certified Chocolate
Americans love chocolate and other products made with cocoa. It is part of our daily lives. At the same time, many people do not know how tough cocoa farming is, nor do they know the impact of choosing one chocolate bar over another. By choosing chocolate with the Fairtrade logo, you are standing up for the people and places involved in the cocoa industry.
NBC Nightly News featured Fairtrade cocoa farmers!
Want a future with chocolate in it?
Chocolate is a treat. Cocoa is a livelihood.
Fairtrade works to make the cocoa industry more sustainable. Here's how.
Our West Africa Cocoa Program provides professional development to cocoa farmers.
The true cost of chocolate
Though cocoa is a beloved commodity, cocoa farmers often struggle to make a living. It is unacceptable that this $100+ billion industry has excluded farmers and workers from the benefits of trade. This neglect has led to: - Widespread poverty - Deforestation - Gender inequality - Child labor - Forced labor