Mission, Vision & Values

Fairtrade America is the US branch of Fairtrade International – a global network that spans over 100 countries and works with about 2 million farmers. Fairtrade is a different way of doing business – one that prioritizes the people and places behind products we use every day.

Flower worker stands outside greenhouses in Kenya.
Many Fairtrade certified white rose buds

Our Values

Our team in the US is committed to continuous growth. We regularly take a look at our internal practices to figure out new ways of collaborating more effectively with one another. In all that we do, we prioritize:

  • Curiosity
  • Sustainability
  • Optimism
  • Trust
  • Empathy
  • Excellence

We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion

Fairtrade America recognizes that being inclusive is about action. Therefore, we are not only advocating for justice, equality and non-discrimination for farmers and workers in low- and middle-income countries, but also within our own organization and with commercial partners, governments and the communities where Fairtrade products are produced and purchased.

Read our DEI statement.

Learn more about Fairtrade

I am afraid of nothing because I know how to manage my money. I am stronger. I am a leader of many people now and know I can do things on my own.

Rosine, Cocoa Farmer from Cote d'Ivoire