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Shoppers are demanding more

The rising wave of conscious consumerism is showing up in many different ways. From caring about the environment to wanting equal pay for historically marginalized groups and decent safety conditions for employees, people are voting with their dollars more than ever.

  • 91%
    of US shoppers who know Fairtrade regularly or occasionally buy certified products
  • 3rd
    The US is the third-largest market for fair trade goods behind the UK and Germany
  • 80%
    of Fairtrade shoppers would pay more to ensure a fairer price for producers
  • $1.4B
    Was the estimated value of Fairtrade retail sales in 2020, a growth of over 18%
  • 2 in 3
    US shoppers who know Fairtrade prefer retailers that carry certified products
Driving Ethical Change

Most globally recognized ethical label

We are the US branch of the Fairtrade International system. The people behind the green and blue mark you have on your packages are spread out across over 100 countries. We do our own research with GlobeScan to stay on top of trends, learn new ways to connect shoppers with Fairtrade certified products and raise awareness on the importance of shopping ethically.

" Our customers are looking for a connection to where their food comes from, and it feels really good to know that when you buy these products that the money goes to support small farmers and their community. - Linda Fullwood, the Events Organizer at Weaver Street Market

Read about this incredible partnership
2 people grocery shopping for bananas
  • 73%
    of millennials would pay more for sustainable products according to recent study
  • 59%
    of shoppers said they would be more likely to buy fresh produce that contained a "fair trade" label
  • Fairtrade coffee
    sells 5x faster than conventional coffee
  • 31% growth
    in licensee revenue made cocoa the fastest growing Fairtrade product category in 2020
Embracing the Shift to Conscious Consumerism

The US market is changing

You can see the US market shifting. Plastic bans are popping up in cities across the country, more people are choosing plant-based diets and fair trade sales are rising. We are watching this change along with research groups like Nielsen and Market Watch with excitement and anticipation. For the sake of both our planet and its people, it’s critical that this shift to conscious consumerism sticks. You can be part of this.

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Two mugs of Fairtrade coffee