Cocoa farmers harvesting cocoa pods

It's Only Fair Toolkit

How long would you work for $1? That alarmingly-low amount is what many West African cocoa farmers make in return for an entire day’s work. Join us in showing consumers how unjust our global trade system is and how together we can choose a fairer deal for farmers.

Cocoa farmer in vibrant orange outfit standing in front of cocoa tree lush with green pods.
cocoa beans in a bag
It's Only Fair

About the campaign

Starting on World Chocolate Day (July 7), we are calling on people across the US to pause, think and share the impact that unfair pricing has on cocoa farmers in West Africa, as well as the impact of unfair trade on farmers more broadly. Through short humorous ads, a website full of resources, and thoughtful influencer collaborations, we’re intentionally encouraging people to consider how their purchasing decisions affect people around the globe.

Recent research from the National Confectioner’s Association showed 88% of consumers share chocolate and candy with family and friends at least half of the time they purchase it. We aim to seize that natural opportunity to spark conversations between friends and families about how simple shifts – like choosing items with the Fairtrade Mark during your next trip to the grocery store – can have a positive ripple effect.  After all, it’s only fair!

Our activations

How we're reaching consumers

It's Only Fair campaign haircut

Shareable video content

We've produced three short videos to help bring a global issue home for US shoppers. Each digital ad asks viewers "How long would you work for $1?" and shares a humorous example of what a response might look like in our own society. These shareable videos are designed to start conversations in online and in-person communities, helping to spread awareness of the injustices Fairtrade and our partners are working to address.

Giveaways to spark conversation

Let's talk about it! We want consumers to share what they're learning about the injustices farmers face in our global trade system and the ways they can be part of the solution. Our campaign giveaway features a kit to help people facilitate meaningful conversations within their own communities, featuring handy tips and information as well as a selection of Fairtrade products to share with a friend.

Thoughtful influencer collaborations

We're working with a variety of influential voices on social media to help share our videos and the important question behind them, "How long would you work for $1?" We are working to reach more than 1 million people on social media to help spark conversations across the country about making trade fairer for farmers.

Toolkit for partners

Here's how you can join in

  • Young boy at birthday party with mother and deflating balloon animal

    Amplify our video content

    Free video content for your feed! We’ve created 15-second videos and some template captions for you to share on your social media platforms. We just ask that you tag us at @FairtradeMarkUS!

    Get video files
  • Blue card saying

    Spark a conversation on social

    Engage with your followers using a kit of conversation starters for social! We’re working on cards for feed posts, stories and even a series of polls to get your people talking about what’s fair.

    Get Social Graphics & Copy
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    Share the campaign in your consumer newsletters

    Looking for engaging email content? We’re putting together resources for you to plug into your consumer newsletters to inspire conversation and engagement with your Fairtrade certified products.

    Get email newsletter copy

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