A Letter from Pam – Connecting with Fairtrade Supporters Online

23 February 2017   |   Mary Linnell-Simmons, Marketing and Communications Manager, Fairtrade America

Mary Linnell-Simmons returned from the winter holiday to a beautifully written letter from a dedicated Fairtrade supporter. In this post, she muses on what it means to make a connection in the digital world and how other supporters can deepen connections.


Do you tweet?

Do you post, pin, share or snap?

Here at Fairtrade America, we do all that we can to be social online and spread the word about the positive impacts of shopping ethically.

But sometimes it feels like no matter what we type, whatever images we share, it all goes into the great online void – a place of noise, distraction and indifference. Sometimes, however, if feels like we make a real connection. And, while it’s not always face-to-face, these exchanges are tangible.

I first met Pam at Expo West a few years ago and we chatted about Fairtrade, its importance, and what more could be done. I gave Pam a bag full of goodies and we parted ways.

She kept in touch via social media and blogging. She even entered our competitions and joined our Twitter Chats.

But it wasn’t until I got this letter – yes, an honest-to-goodness hand-written letter (they still exist!) – in the mail that I really felt that we’d made an impact. I was so touched that Pam took the time to write us, in ink, how it made her feel when we interacted with her online. Sometimes virtual relationships can feel a little lifeless, but  this handwritten letter made it virtually lifelike.

I’ve typed up the letter below, and want to know if you feel the same. Have you interacted with us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram? What about LinkedinPinterest or TumblrLet us know in the comments below.

Also, if you want to have a real, two-way conversation not just with Fairtrade, but with other supporters, brands and NGOs working to make the world a better place, keep an eye on our events page for your opportunity!

Oh, and one more thing…

If you haven’t already guessed it, I love receiving hand-written letters. If you have the time and the gumption, send one my way and I’ll send you some Fairtrade goodies back! Write to me at:

Mary Linnell-Simmons
Fairtrade America
1400 Eye St NW, Suite 425
Washington, DC 20005


Hi Mary,

I hope this small note finds you well and I hope this 2016 holiday season brings great successes to Fair Trade America.


I don’t know if it was you specifically or someone on your team who liked, reposted and commented on my posts tagged with Fair Trade or @FairtradeMarkUS, but I wanted to express my sincere thanks in a concrete handwritten way! Especially before the end of this 2016 year.

I know you didn’t have to like, repost or comment on any of my posts, but I really appreciate you doing so. I also appreciate the Fair Trade tote bag you gave me at Expo West a couple of years ago. I still love it and try not to use it too much, so it doesn’t get worn out.

Thank you Mary and thanks to your team for sharing and showing me so much Fair Trade love.




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