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A fairer future

Fairtrade works towards fairer terms of trade for farmers and workers, safe working conditions, environmental protection, and quality. This approach prioritizes the lives of farmers and workers in supply chains and partners with them as active participants in the decision-making process.

Read the NYT article on coffee prices
  • 1,930
    producer organizations in 70 countries
  • +37,000
    products sold with the Fairtrade Mark in more than 140 countries
  • 2M+
    farmers and workers are involved in Fairtrade worldwide
Good for people and planet

Benefits of Fairtrade

Sustainable consumption and production has become the expectation rather than the exception. Fairtrade offers solutions for companies and producers to put fairness at the heart of their operations.

Key benefits

Fairtrade Products

What if purchases could drive sustainable growth, support communities, and protect resources? From cocoa to sugar and coffee, there is a wide array Fairtrade products creating measurable impact.

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Areas of focus

We want to build a world where everyone benefits from quality products, and enjoys quality of life. But this cannot be done in silo. You cannot separate human rights from environmental rights, child protection from living incomes and gender equity from worker’s rights.

Key issues
  • $2B+
    Fairtrade premium earned in the past decade
  • 56
    externally funded projects active in 2023
Driven by results

Our impact

Achieving meaningful change requires significant systemic shifts. We track our progress through various metrics, so our approach is well-informed and can continuously be improved.

Learn more

"Fairtrade has changed my life. Indeed, in a crisis situation, I have an inflow of money for my needs instead of going into debt. And Fairtrade has made me a woman leader.”

Affoué Angèle Kouassi has farmed cocoa on her own land for 14 years. She participated in Fairtrade’s Women’s School of Leadership in 2021.

Find what you are looking for

  • Do you want to know the basics?

  • Do you want to dive deep into how Fairtrade works?

  • Do you want to become Fairtrade certfied?