Top 5 Reasons to buy Fairtrade Flowers

14 October 2014   |   Fairtrade America
Photo by: Sean Garrison

To paraphrase Nora Ephronthere’s no possible way every human being on earth is born with good taste—even though we all like to think we are.

Similarly, we all like to think we are good gift-givers, and yet we’ve all been the recipients of “unfortunate” but well-intended offerings. You might think flowers are a no brainer, but even a bouquet of perky peonies can be tricky…unless.

Unless you buy Fairtrade.

That’s because every Fairtrade certified flower you purchase helps secure a better life for the person who grew and tended to it.

Here, the top 5 reasons Fairtrade flowers are the gift everyone will appreciate:

  1. Fairtrade certified farms ensure safety and working conditions for their employees, an important factor when workers are often vulnerable young women.
  2. Producers get a minimum price and a premium of 10% for every stem or bunch sold, allowing them to invest in healthcare, education and more.
  3. Fairtrade flowers are traceable back to the original farm or cooperative, with most labels saying which farm the flowers have come from.
  4. When you give Fairtrade flowers through businesses like Fresh Blooms or BloomQuest, you’re helping reduce poverty through your everyday shopping.
  5. In addition to being a thoughtful, generous and discerning boss, spouse or admirer, your Fairtrade flower recipient will think you are also an exceedingly good egg.


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