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Endangered Species Chocolate impact

From $1 million in annual donations for conservation efforts to a fully traceable Fairtrade supply chain- Endangered Species Chocolate (ESC) sustainability goals are bold. ESC’s tenacity and leadership in the chocolate industry has made way for long-lasting impact in cocoa producer communities.

CEO of Endangered Species Chocolate, Curt Vander Meer with members of a cocoa farming community in Cote d'Ivoire.

CEO of Endangered Species Chocolate, Curt Vander Meer with members of a cocoa farming community in Cote d’Ivoire.
Photo by: Sean Hawkey

Whether at the register at Whole Foods, the candy isle at Kroger, or as an exclusive in-flight treat Endangered Species Chocolate bars are immediately recognizable. Elephant footprints stamp the entirety of the Salted Peanuts and Dark Chocolate bar. It’s the perfect fit for a bar with Fairtrade cocoa from Côte d’Ivoire (home to the West African Elephant) that supports conservation efforts.

ESC fans may reach for an ESC bar for their love of exotic animals, but ESC makes just as big of an impact with people. Since 2015, ESC has sourced Fairtrade ingredients, committing to a long-term partnership with producers in Côte d’Ivoire.

ESC’s commitment to sourcing Fairtrade ensures producers in Côte d’Ivoire are paid the Fairtrade Minimum Price. While the Fairtrade Minimum Price provides stability during global price fluctuations Fairtrade cocoa farmers raised their voices and shared that it was not enough. What they needed was an income that they – and their families – could live on. And Fairtrade and brands like ESC listened. In 2019 the Fairtrade Minimum Prices for cocoa will increase, moving farmers closer to a living wage and reinforcing the commitment of brands like ESC in nourishing the farmers behind each of their bars today and into the future.

" Endangered Species Chocolate is committed to crafting delicious premium chocolate while supporting species, habitat, and humanity. ESC’s commitment to Fairtrade is a commitment to people; the Fairtrade Premiums from our sales benefit and empower our suppliers as well as their communities. With our partners, practices and impact, we are proud of our role in helping shape a brighter tomorrow.

Curt Vander Meer, CEO of Endangered Species Chocolate

Beyond fair pricing, ESC has contributed more than $1 million in Fairtrade Premium to cocoa cooperatives in Côte d’Ivoire since 2015. Fairtrade cocoa farmers democratically decide how to invest Premiums paid by ESC. Year after year, the votes mirror community values in creating opportunities for young people to learn and strengthening cocoa cooperatives so their communities can thrive.

Where schools were once overcrowded, Fairtrade Premiums have funded new school buildings and classrooms, creating space for young people to learn. Where students previously had to walk long distances to reach a decent school, Fairtrade Premiums have funded new, accessible schools. For SOCAAN COOP, a Fairtrade cooperative producing cocoa for ESC chocolate bars, Fairtrade Premiums are part of three-year plan to build a school with three classrooms for 169 students, to be finished in 2019.

From long-term commitments with farmers to funding schools and sourcing the highest quality cocoa for new innovations like Duoz Candy Bars, ESC is paving the way in the chocolate industry, proving that you can do well in business and do well for people and planet.